
Christmas 2006 - So Wonderful, So Thankful

My family and I had quite a lot to be thankful for this Christmas. It was WONDERFUL!!


The many faces of Alaina and Kylee

I love my nieces so much! These are only two of the FOUR girls in their family!! Can you tell they are a wee bit into having their pictures taken? They were dressed up for halloween, so I of course was over taking shots of them. Aren't they the cutest? Love you guys!!


Playing with exposure

I went into the city last Saturday for a photography class. The class topic was specifically exposure. I found this street light as I was walking back to the train, and I decided to take pictures of it at all different exposure levels. As you can see, the sky was beautiful and it wasn't really dark yet.


The beginning.....

I've just begun what I feel will be a loooong journey into photography. I'm hooked! I've always loved the art of photogrpahy, so I've finally started to explore it on my own. As you'll see, I don't really have a "theme" yet. I'm shooting random stuff all over the place. I'll continue to add more as I learn. Enjoy!