and just a little stressed! My computer was down for over 24 hours, and then once I got it back up and running - BAM! The worst storm I've ever seen rolled into town, and we were out of power for the night. I heard there were over 100,000 people in the area still without power, so I'm really thankful that ours is up and running. I had planned to finish up all of my session in the past two days, so I could dedicate the rest of my time to getting ready for school to start. So much for that idea.
I start school in less than one week, and my classroom is NOW (as in an hour ago) just ready to be moved into. My new classroom = renovated trailer. Nice. Everything thing I own is in boxes!! Yikes!!
For those of you waiting for your previews, not to fear! They are on their way!! I'm going to have them up before I go to school to start unpacking. Be looking for them in the next hour or so!!
Thanks for being patient! :)